Microfinance – Poverty to Profit

Poverty elimination has traditionally been the domain of the interest-based growth agency and revenue generation has always been an important part of the business. Rarely have the two overlapped: business shareholders have no interest in providing money away, and development banks have little to offer profit-oriented investors. For perhaps the first time in financial development history, the substandard are viewed as potentially profitable.

Microfinance - Poverty to Profit
Microfinance – Poverty to Profit

Have you ever heard of microfinance? It consists of many financial services, such as microloans, savings, and insurance, for substandard people. This program is generally used in growing nations, as a way to assist individuals in increasing their earnings, get money to pay their taxes, and as an overall solution to decrease poverty.

Microfinance is a financing tool

Microfinance is a financing tool that sustainably provides minimal loans to the working poor. A few borrowers, usually five to ten people, assemble themselves into groups. The first set of loans are prolonged to the first subset of individuals within the group, for instance, two out of the group’s five people, and once these loans are repaid, another subgroup of people obtain their loans for their development. This goes on through the entire group, distributing until a final loan is extended to a designated group leader.

The individuals who benefit from these facilities are peasants, unemployed or self-employed people with surprisingly low incomes. Some of these individuals have very few assets to use to get a loan and, even if they do have property, they often don’t have documents to prove ownership.


One of the reasons for microfinance is helping poor individuals set up businesses. This is very helpful for the individual over time because they would have a way to make some money.

As a part of microfinance, the microloan is credit offered to substandard individuals, to improve their financial status. It highlights the building capability of a micro-entrepreneur and also helps them begin their business and through hard times.

Several organizations offer microloans, among them being non-profit organizations trying at making the globe a better place for substandard people too.

Variations of this general concept abound, but the basic main principle remains the same: a borrower is much more likely to repay promptly if not doing this affects one’s selected group partner, usually an acquaintance. The mercy replenishes the fear of a faceless bank for one’s neighbor. This non-traditional concept of social collateral banking permits the substandard people to get out of the poverty cycle: the provision of capital allows for more significant business investment, which results in improved earnings, resulting in higher residential savings and eventual financial independence.

The origin of conventional microfinance for an individual financial group

Microfinance developed from the failure of cooperative movements and government-sponsored initiatives for concessional person financing. With some of these significantly subsidized programs yielding repayment rates as low as forty percent, there is little wonder they were short-lived or short term.

In a few decades back Bank revolutionized the development globe by extending small, interest-based loans to the extreme poor, an economic team commercial banks denied lending to and development banks found challenging to sustain acceptable repayment rates with. But by assembling people into self-selected loaning for and lending groups, particularly in uniform settings, peer pressure and peer assistance end up in the form of informal monitoring that paved the way for continued success.

What began as a small loan to some village women is now a significant business in some nations, with a great number of borrowers for disbursed loans, with outstanding loans currently which all are collateral-free.

Convention Microfinance

The single most significant downside of conventional microfinance, and for that matter all interest-based finance, is that the borrower has to make the interest of payments even if they are unable to meet them. If their business succeeds, they pay; if his business fails, they still pay.

At any given time whenever a growing business should be worried about innovation and expansion, an interest payment looms unavoidably large at the end of the month. Putting it off only exacerbates the problem, as interest payments usually become more substantial than the initial loan principal with time. It makes little sense for small, under-capitalized micro-entrepreneurs with nothing to fall back on to assume debt rather than capital. In a protracted market downturn, when large groups of borrowers are unable to meet their repayment requirements, this precipitates heightened levels of market fluctuation. End game: debt forgiveness on the lender’s part or increased impoverishment on the borrower’s, means bonded labor in some countries.

Interest-based transaction

Further, interest-based transactions tend to focus attention on the process-oriented task of repayment rather than on the result-oriented task of increasing profit. And because no direct causality exists in an interest-based transaction between the size of the payout and the profitability of the business, conventional microfinance requires additional technical intervention on the part of the lender to promote business efficiency. Equity-based investments, on the other hand, already assume an effort toward business efficiency because both the investor and the worker share the same goal: increasing profit.

Microfinance provides an innovative interest-free alternative to conventional microfinance. Perhaps not so creative since interest-free, equity-based investing has already proven itself as the predominant corporate financing tool for decades. And while the players may change, the transaction dynamics remain largely the same, whether the transaction is worth billions of dollars or hundreds of dollars, an investor takes a stake in a business for a share of the business’s profits, undertaking comparable levels of risks.

Equity-based finance

Based primarily on the profit-sharing principles of equity-based finance, microfinance offers greater resilience than conventional microfinance. If a business fails, nothing is paid; if a business succeeds, profits are shared. Risks and rewards are always pros- proportionate to equity shares. So while any return on capital in the form of interest is completely prohibited, there is no objection to getting a return on capital if the provider of money enters into a partnership with a worker or entrepreneur and is prepared to share in the risks of the business.

The fundamental dynamics of conventional microfinance arrangements are, however, still retained in the microfinance, with small groups of self-selected individuals providing each other with emotional, technical, and financial support. By assembling themselves into their groups, clients choose as partners only those individuals they trust most, filtering out to a large extent substandard credits.

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